Plumbing Maintenance Can Prevent Future Leaks or Catastrophic Flooding
Basic maintenance on your home's plumbing system can go a long way in preventing bigger issues from occurring. Here are some tips that will help minimize the number of times you will have to call a plumber.
Fix leaks and clogs immediately. These small issues can quickly turn easy repairs into larger and more expensive plumbing repairs or, worse, lead to water damage and mold growth.
Use non-toxic drain cleaners. Most small drain clogs can be cleared with a simple solution of baking soda and vinegar.
Keep drains object-free. Install properly fitting drain screens and sink stoppers to prevent food, hair, and other things from going down the drain. Preventive measures are the best way to stop a clog from forming.
Learn what your disposal can eat. Your garbage disposal is not a catch-all for residual food bits and pieces. Your disposal can last many years with proper usage; however, not everything can be chewed up by the garbage disposal. Check your manufacturer's manual for specifics. As a general rule, never put cooking grease, coffee grinds, eggshells, pasta, or rice in your disposal.
Buy the right tools. Be sure you have a plumber's wrench in your toolbox as well as a sturdy plunger.
Know where your shut-off valves are located. Your home will have a main water shut-off valve and may have outside clean-outs. Your appliances will all have shut-off valves, including your washing machine, sink, toilet, and water heater. It's important to know where all of these are located to prevent any leak that occurs from causing more damage.
Prepare for the coming season. Before winter hits, spend some time inspecting the insulation around your pipes under your home, basement, and garage. Having proper insulation prevents your pipes from freezing or bursting.
Schedule regular plumbing checkups. Consult with your plumber about a schedule for the routine maintenance needs for your home's HVAC system and water heater. Also, schedule a snake of your sewer lines via your home's clean-out at least every two years to keep pipes free of clogs and buildup.
Remember, your home's plumbing has a tell.
When you spot one of its tics, like a leaky faucet, water on the floor around a dishwasher or refrigerator, or mildew around a sink, shower, or tub, don't hesitate to act. It's a sign that you have some maintenance to do.